After 10 Years Together
I have realized thatNo, losing you would not belike losing the sunI already knowthat the world and of course even I would go onIt would not be like losing airI would not simply drown Might it be like losing the
Lizzie’s 5th Birthday Hot Pot Party
This is a just a picture post. Anddd that’s all, thanks for looking.
Plant Appreciation Post: End of the Growing Season!
Well squirrel friends, it’s almost the end of another year. I was hoping I’d get some fall plantings done, but I missed the window to start seedlings indoors, so I’ll just have to appreciate what spring and summer had given
Return to Philly – the picture essay
When I got back from California, urgent businesses awaited me! All this out of the way, next up for me is probably back to the eBay grind then 🙁