The Resourcefulness of Ants

I am not runned down No, I am not ragged Certainly I have been at seaYes, I could be foundat any given timeWiggling out my whole life at the bottom of all the interchangeably deep, long, & unfathomable valley in

No Working Title

Be careful when you go looking for the painful, improbable answer to the question of forgiveness You might end up taking someone who never meant to go there Be careful when you go on long, difficult searches for what you

Two Haikus from Last Year

Dons of Ants, petty emperors of little nothings (12/06/2023)   山頭的日落日出 路過橋的人 鳥飛了不留痕跡   (the sunrises and sunsets of the mountain peak the one who walked past the bridge birds flying past leaving no trace 12/27/2023)