What to do with 80k?

What would you do with 80k cash flow over 2 years? Pay down/off student loan? Buy your first home? Buy a second home? Pay off credit cards? Max out ROTH space? Max out pre-tax retirement savings? Buy term life insurance?


[Pre-med candidate about to start med school wrote] Hi, DWM. I have been reading your strategies and things you posted on your blog, which I find very informative. I start medical school this year and I am trying to follow

Timing Credit Trough’s

Dear Readers, I have a confession to make. I recently got my personal record low credit score of 717 (based on experian credit bureau, my transunion credit score is still 740, but down from 800; haven’t checked my equafax credit score.)

AAMC Debt Fact Card #2

True to form of our current medical education fad, a flash card/table was made by AAMC for the topic (aspiring) doctors are least educated on: student debt. This series of 2 posts utilize AAMC’s debt fact card to emphasize a few points for those entering

AAMC Debt Fact Card #1

  True to form of our current medical education fad, a flash card/table was made by AAMC for the topic (aspiring) doctors are least educated about: student debt. This series of 2 posts utilize AAMC’s debt fact card to emphasize few points for those entering medical