Mini Wise Money requests to switch to Basis Tucson Primary. I was surprised because her friends at Sunrise Drive told Mini how much work and how little fun Basis is all about. I asked Mini, “are you sure, don’t you
5 Ways Good Finance Parallels Good Cooking
Having grown up on the kitchen counter while my gourmet chef mother cooks, surrounded by the aroma of her 24 hour simmer chicken broth, and her 200+ types of wines jam packed in our 1,000 square foot apartment, cooking is
5 Reasons I’m cutting My First Attending Paycheck in Half
I asked a few wise, seasoned, and revered radiologists, what is the minimum amount of work days per week a radiologist need to stay sharp in her trade? Average answer is 2 days per week. That’s the sweet balance I
Get Money Wise & Support Mini Wise Money!
I recently started writing for Physician’s Money Digest. It has been great fun, reaching so many doctors/ aspiring doctors on such a reputable discussion forum. An awesome bonus is every unique reader/visitor of any one of my articles on PMD generates a
8-year-old Mini Starts Planning Mini-Retirements.

With the ability to retire by 2023, I started talking with Mini’s dad about family longer term vacation/exploration around the world after 2023. We both agreed that traveling around the world and learning from various cultures will enrich Mini’s life