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About Us

About me,I once wrotethe animal that I am cannot shed teethas even snakes will onlypart with old skin I have, too, readabout how no one ownsthe hearts of birdsand like thatsaw myselffar up in the skyabout vanishing from sight And,about

After 10 Years Together

I have realized thatNo, losing you would not belike losing the sunI already knowthat the world and of course even I would go onIt would not be like losing airI would not simply drown Might it be like losing the

365 Days of Gratitude: Day 3, or, Double Love.

Today I learned about Mini and Grandma’s (i.e. the mother of yours truly here) “double love”. Side note: a bit of background, my late sister Amanda’s Chinese name, Wu Shuang, plainly translated, meant “no double”. The phrase derives from “tian