Student Loan Refinance 101

After writing up my first peer-to-peer presentation on personal finance for PGY’s, I decided to divide the presentation up into 2-3 posts as these slides illustrate important points. Since high interest rate student loan is one of the MAJOR way

DWM meets WCI (in person)

WCI (White Coat Investor) gave a lecture at our associated medical school today, geared towards residents and fellows. One very important question he asked the audience was along the line of “what percentage of your income do you plan to

365 Days of Gratitude: Day 2.

This is a late entry for January 3rd, for which I missed the deadline by 2 hours and change (assuming midnight PST cutoff). In my defense I had gone out to dinner, then when I returned my mom practically met

2400 Days to Financial Independence

I recently had the honor to virtually meet Mr1500 by PoF’s introduction, who blogs about 1500 days to retirement. I thought it would be fun to share my journey to financial independence as well. I originally wrote Why I Can Retire


Recently a reader reached out to me for custom advice. I am always glad to help whenever I can, and so although our discussion was tailored for his unique situation, I thought I would share it here to potentially benefit