How Doctors Can Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

I was inspired by Passive Income M.D.’s post on Why Doctors Live Paycheck to Paycheck (P2P) and would like to offer some suggestions to live the other end of the lifestyle spectrum of P2P. I lived P2P once, in college and in


Q17. I tried to reapply online but I couldn’t b/c I was already rejected with $0 income input on my previous application.   A17. Definitely call DRB tomorrow and have them manually change your income so that your application will


You can read Meet PETE here. You can read PETE  Q&A PT 1 here.  FYI, with my current 228k fed loan, my daily interest dollars are $33, which makes it $1,000 interest accruing monthly, roughly. [when you graduate, the interest you

Best of Both Worlds: More Cash Now & Lower Costs

I have been hearing from many of my co-residents that they are barely making ends meet each month, paying for rent or mortgage, student loan, food, childcare costs, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice if somehow we can free up some cash either

Where to put limited PGY dollars?

As we become aware of how the time value of $ works against us (student loan interest), we will also learn about how it works for us. After refinancing your student loan, not only do you enjoy paying off an