Lowest Interest Rate in the Student Loan Refinancing Market!

        A few weeks ago, I learned of the best interest rates in the student loan refinancing market, from First Republic Bank (FRB). Reached out to them, here’s the scoop. More detailed post to come.   Instead of the 6.8% interest

Best of Both Worlds: More Cash Now & Lower Costs

I have been hearing from many of my co-residents that they are barely making ends meet each month, paying for rent or mortgage, student loan, food, childcare costs, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice if somehow we can free up some cash either

Student Loan Refinance 101

After writing up my first peer-to-peer presentation on personal finance for PGY’s, I decided to divide the presentation up into 2-3 posts as these slides illustrate important points. Since high interest rate student loan is one of the MAJOR way

Do it right; so you need No forgiveness-Part II

5 reasons I manage debt actively instead of hoping for forgiveness in 20 years.   Getting forgiveness is a hassle (each year you have to reapply for it. Rules and disclaimers are bound to change.) The projected forgiveness amount is the

Do it right; so you need No forgiveness-Part I

  Forgiveness program is not all that forgiving. This is a post for those beyond living on borrowed money as students but have yet gotten to the end-of-the-tunnel where fully realized income potential illuminates. In medicine, this transition between accruing student loan debt and