These credit card offers do exist!

Time to let credit card companies cut you some slack on the relentless high interest of your student loans (6.8-11%)! 10 best credit cards rated by Credit Karma I personally have used SLATE, freedom, and discover in the past; glad to

Awesome ways people have paid for their education

Since I started this site, many have shared with me ways that they have paid for their med school. I’ve asked a few people to write their success stories as guest posts, hopefully they will get on it and send

Residency: The financial bitter-sweet spot

Many of my colleagues see residency as the hardest financial years because student debt of 300-400k is compounding away at 6-9% annual income is about 50k-70k depending post-graduate-year work hours are long: 80+hrs/wk there is no money, after monthly expenses, to

Tips for a 4th year med student: Interviews

The best medicine is (primary) prevention. This applies to physical and mental health, as well as financial fitness. Audition rotations are expensive. Do them close to home and get your recommendation letters there. A separate post will help you decide whether

When 15 months of 0% interest rate run out…

Here is what I did next, Check my credit score (always, know where you are before you pounce) Apply for a card with good balance transfer offers (fee should not exceed 2-3% for 0% APR of 1 year) If you can